Daily Archives: November 5, 2012

Charlene Kuhn • Ms Gay Wexford 2012/ 13

Name: Charlene Kuhn

From: Tomhaggard, County Wexford

Date of Birth: 28/02/90

Occupation: Mechanic, Speed boat pilot.

Hobbies/Interests: Horse riding, boxing, running, sailing/water-sports generally leading an active life.

Do you have a talent you might want to perform in the Final?: Nothing in particular

Charlenes interview recorded in the Bailey Cáfe Bar, Enniscorthy after the Ms Mr Gay Wexford Coronation held on the 21st of September 2012  

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Mr Gay Wexford Simon Landon & Mr Gay Wexford Charlene Kuhn after their Coronation in the Bailey Cáfe Bar Enniscorthy on the 21st of September 2012.

What qualities do you bring to this competition?: I am a very proud person with great ambition, loyalty and determination. I would like to think that if I did go far in the competition I could give something back to the local LGBT groups and inspire even one person to have the courage to speak out and be the person they are.

What would you like to achieve in the next ten years? : I presume this is aimed particularly at the LGBT scene. I don’t want to be over ambitious so Ill keep it simple. I want to try and create an arena for change even in a small way. Maybe educate more people on LGBT groups and the lives that LGBT people lead and that it may be different but not to be feared. I would like to see same sex unions to have equal rights to their heterosexual counterparts.

How would you fundraise?: I would create some different campaigns maybe particularly aimed at LGBT groups and also to general youth as I feel it is in the next generation that change has to begin.

Message: I have been told that I am a remarkable person, let me show you.

Charlene with some of her support team, her partner Aideen & her Charlenes brother.

Charlene Kuhn Ms Gay Wexford & Aideen her partner (the interview giggler) supporting Simon, Mr Gay Wexfords 'Neon School Nite' fundraiser for St James Newfill Clinic.

Mr Gay Wexford, With Garreth & Ms Gay Wexford 2012 • Charlene Kuhn


Thank you to the staff of the Bailey Cáfe Bar particularly Brendan for your support and assistance with the sound system and looking after the bar.  thebailey.ie

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