Bigotry running at Cheltenham Festival discourteously of Paddy Power +€200? • Feb’12

There are so many other ways they could have gotten the point across in a fun entertaining way, without deliberately being nasty. EG: I know many Drag Queens who’d love the publicity & provide additional positive entertainment to boot. This attempt to create a viral campaign is really! really! bad, on so many levels, it’s mega sad!.

The add below is poor taste against not only towards transgender & then they try to capitalize on the poor taste by making a point that, some find it funny, some don’t. Transphobia isn’t a joke.

Suggesting another persons circumstances are  found humorous by a few and that those who don’t see the humor have the problem, implies the attacker has a serious & dangerous mental state. They have difficulties with perception, ignorance (in both guises), common decency and can’t tell ‘wrong from right’. You can do something, about this transgression. follow the conversation below,  make up your mind, then do something!

FB: * @Vanessa Lacey and ** @Louise Hannon shared a link & a request.

• Cheltenham Festival Paddy Power Ladies Day TV Ad & £200 free bet!

Screenshot taken from the Cheltenham Festival website see the link below. or use a search engine to locate: Cheltenham Festival Paddy Power Ladies Day TV Ad & £200 free bet!


Dear Paddy Power,

Please remove this offensive advertisement. Transgender people are not horses to bet on. If you agree contact Paddy Power headquarters here and tell them so Paddy Power,
Belfield Office Park,
Beaver Row,
Dublin 4
Tel: 01 4045900

Please make your complaints to the Advertisment Standards Authority of Ireland. Please share this disgrace.

Thank you for you help in this matter

FB: @FrJoseph… shared the following contact details

Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland, Ferry House
• 48 Lower Mount Street
• Dublin 2
• phone is : +353 1 613 70 40
• fax is +353 1 613 70 43

FB: @Emma… you can also submit online- done

FB: @FrJoseph… added:  Complaints submitted online also – advise when doing so to include the link to the video so as to ensure the ASAI are in no doubt as to what tawdry advertising this is by Paddy Power!!–200-free-bet-201202170035/

You Tube link:

Paddy Power You Tube profile : Cheltenham Festival Ladies Day 2012 TV Advert

View the video here

*Vanessa Lacey (TENI Development Co-ordinator) Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) seeks to improve conditions and advance the rights and equality of trans* people and their families. Vanessa is also on the sOUTh (Waterford LGBT committee) & works with TranSE – a community group supporting transgender people in the South East, Ireland. [interview below Jun 4, 2011]. Vanessa since the interview below has attained her Psychology Degree and has successfully transitioned.
** Louise Hannon:
Ms Hannon, was born a male & is the first transsexual worker to successfully use the Employment Equality Act in a case of discrimination on the grounds of transsexualism. Her employer requested her to switch between a male and a female identity and to work from home. Today Louise runs a successful photography business in Ireland.

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