Author Archives: Gaze Guests

Gaze Guests

About Gaze Guests

This post was written by a guest contributor. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of this publication. Please see their details at the end of the post above. Gaze Guest Author gives you the opportunity to share your stories. How? Send them to life@gayse,net, editor@gayse,net or via our contact page

Seeking Transgender, Your answers please!
Gaze Guests

Jamie Clayton, transgender model & television presenter NYC.


Hi There,

My name is Irene Greene and I’m an Applied Psychology student at University College Cork. For my final year project I’m conducting research into the effect online support has on the well-being of transgender individuals.

Research in general populations regarding the effectiveness of online social support has found mixed results, but very little research has been carried out looking at the impact of social support on groups such as the transgender community. We’re interested in examining whether online social support may positively affect the well-being of transgender individuals, as it may provide some people with a greater sense of support than they experience offline. We hope that this study will lead to a better understanding of the impact of social support on the general well-being of members of the transgender community.

I have a short survey which should only take 15 minutes to complete. It is important for the study to get a large number of respondents in order to achieve reliable results. If you are willing, I would be very grateful if you could make the link to the survey available to your readers. The link is

Kindest regards,

Irene Greene


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Ireland’s First Gay Male Couple to go through the fostering process- RTE1@ 4.50pm this FRIDAY2012
Gaze Guests


“We are on TV again! Dave and Paddy (I get top billing and all the red jellybeans) will appear live on RTE 1’s THE DAILY SHOW @ 4.50pm this FRIDAY. Talking about Parenting, fostering (from a Gay perspective). Paddy and I were Ireland’s First Gay Male Couple to go through the fostering process and get passed as Foster Carers (with some difficulty mind you). We live in Arklow, Wicklow.”


Bringing up Baby: Same Sex Parents

Wednesday 25 January 2012 • the Daily Show News • RTÉ 1

Foster parents Patrick Bracken (31) and Dave Thomas (46). Paddy and Dave were the first gay male couple to go through the Fostering Process in Ireland, and got through it, after many obstacles. They are now Foster Parents for over four years, and take children on respite.

Paddy and Dave are availing of the Civil Partnership this May. They often think about having their own child, and often talk about adoption and other methods. They live in Arklow, Co. Wicklow. Paddy is in show business and Dave is a freelance journalist who has previously made documentaries for RTÉ Radio 1.

2011-03-30: The children we fostered didn’t care if we were gay or straight

Foster family: Patrick Bracken and Dave Thomas at their home in Arklow, Co Wicklow.Photograph: Eric Luke

Six years ago, DAVE THOMAS and his partner decided to become foster parents – but as a gay couple, they faced and uphill struggle. Here, he recalls the obstacles they overcame to provide a family for children in need

WE FIRST thought about fostering six years ago. Patrick and I wanted children, but gay couples in Ireland aren’t allowed to adopt, which seemed unfair. So we discussed fostering, which is allowed.

It would be another two years before we would apply. In that time, we wondered whether we would be able to cope with the challenging behaviour of a damaged child. How would it affect our private lives? Would people talk about us in a negative way?
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How to Get Over a Breakup
Gaze Guests

There is much advice out there this vid puts it succinctly. It’s been suggested that December and January are the worst times of the year for break-ups? Granted they happen all year round. They were the one. You’re miserable without them. What do you do?

  • Focus on the brighter future.
  • Make a clean break. Stop all contact with your eX. Delete their phone number.
  • Look for someone new ‘Nothing gets you over the last one like the next one.’
  • Do not dwell on the past.
  • Confide in some one you trust.
  • Treat yourself well,  exercise &  get plenty of rest. Focus on YOU again.
  • Keep your self busy. Take up an activity.  Join a group.

How do I know if I am over my ex?
That is the $64,000 question. A good gauge is when you no longer want to get back together with the person. When the thought of your eX having a relationship (and, gasp, sex) with someone else doesn’t turn your stomach.

Add your two cents in the comments below

LGBT Helpline

Carlow: LGBT Carlow
GKK, Out for the Weekend
Kildare: Sunrise LGBT
Waterford: sOUTh
Wexford: Gay Wexford
Tipperary South: LGBT South Tipperary

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A great night at Espresso was had by all. Get your skates on
Gaze Guests

Kevin Kelly from LGBT Parents wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Last Friday and Saturday (9th & 10th of December 2011) we participated in personal development training days at Cheshire Home, Waterford. The sessions were facilitated by … Continue reading

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