Author Archives: Gaze Guests

Gaze Guests

About Gaze Guests

This post was written by a guest contributor. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of this publication. Please see their details at the end of the post above. Gaze Guest Author gives you the opportunity to share your stories. How? Send them to life@gayse,net, editor@gayse,net or via our contact page

“It’s Time” (Get Up Australia)
Gaze Guests

The history of a relationship as seen through the eyes of one of the partners. The twist comes at the end and even though you’ve probably figured it out by now, it’s still worth checking out. If you’re wondering the song in the background is Oliver Tank’s “Last Night I Heard Everything in Slow Motion.”

Australian Marriage Equality advert.

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It Gets Better – School, College, Life
Gaze Guests

By David Clarke

School for many people is not a fun place to be it’s full of rules and discipline. This applies to all people but if your LGBT it can be a lot worse, there are emotions that you can’t figure out you begin to realise that you do fancy boys or girls like the others in your class and coming to terms with this can be very difficult. I have gone through this so I know what it can be like, for me it began in first year back in 2000, I was just starting to figure out who I was. I remember the blinding fear the came over me would my feelings change or was it a phase or would it be like this forever things looked very bleak.

I resorted to getting a girlfriend to try and hide who I was and also to protect myself from the torment I so feared, this worked for a while but I could not continue with it because I wasn’t being true to myself. Later on that year I came out to my best friend over a text message because I couldn’t say it out loud yet, I thought that if I could avoid saying it I wouldn’t have to believe it, I was very lucky with her reaction she just said she didn’t care I was who I was supposed to be and for the first time she knew the real me the relief was so overwhelming it brought me to tears.

I kept who I was a secret until I was in fifth year when tragically one of my close friends died I started to feel guilty for not having the courage to tell her and swore I wouldn’t let that happen again so during that summer I came out to everyone of my close friends each of whom I could trust to keep it quiet or so I thought. About three months I started hearing things back I was devastated the my trust in my friends had been broken , this forced me to come out to my parents which was by far the scariest thing I have ever done.

I wrote them both letters left them in the work jackets of my parents and went to school where I told my maths teacher what I had done. The teacher sat me down a just talked to me about everything I was going through and how everything would be ok and she offered to help me whatever way she could. My parents were fantastic they accepted it and have even welcomed my partners in to the family home. I am writing about this because I want to show anyone who is going through this and is still in school that you’re not alone all those things that are stuck in the back of your mind keeping you up at night may not happen they are built out of fear . Secondary school does come to an end if you can just get through the few years you will be there life gets so much better, it was only after I left school that I realised this.

I went to U.C.C and made amazing friends I joined the LGBT society in my first year and by second year I was running the society since then I have been to pride parades all over the country proudly marching alongside other LGBT people no longer afraid to be who I am. The message behind this piece is things really do get so much better all you have to do is hang in there, there are people you can talk to such as Gay Youth Wexford who will do whatever they can to help you through the fear. Just remember you’re not alone and if you need reminding of this just read my story!

If you would like me to write about a certain topic or if you have any questions send me an email at

David is the youth officer with Gay Wexford and the author of the
coming out guide on the Youth page at For more
details of Gay Youth Wexford see their facebook page or send an email
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LGBT Parents say ‘Thank you for attending the June table quiz”
Gaze Guests

“We just want to say “many thanks” to all those people that showed up to our recent event for the ‘Lgbt parents’ table quiz in dignity bar waterford on the 28th of June.

Dropping a few words in to let people know also there will be a raffle on the 5th August at the ‘Transgender’ night in dignity bar Waterford. There’s plenty prizes to raffle off so please come along and support us.”

Thanks kevin

LGBT Parents : Let's Get Back Together is a group for
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender people who are parents.
'LGBT Parents' gatherings are an opportunity for LGBT parents
to share with their peers, information, stories, trials &
opportunities, while having fun along the way.

For more information or to get involved contact Kevin Kelly
(parent & grandparent) or
via facebook at lgbtparents.waterford or by Mobile 086 159 5294

At GaySE we recently came across a Gay Parent LGBT Magazine based in New York. It’s possible to download publications here










Some articles that may be of interest to readers:

We Deserve a Family too!!!!!
by Queer/ Race

I decided to write my final paper on gay parenting because it’s an issue that’s not discussed as much as other issues. We talked about gay marriage in class and even when a partner in a heterosexual marriage becomes gay but never really touched upon gay parenting. Causing me to look further into investigating and researching about gay parenting. Gay Parenting is definitely way more common than it used to be. more

Despite claims, children of same-sex parents doing no worse than other children
By Erica Zaiser

In Mexico the Supreme Court just decided to uphold gay adoption despite some arguments that children of gay parents are at risk of increased discrimination. Meanwhile, Australian senate hopeful, Wendy Francis, stated on her Twitter account that children of gay parents suffer from emotional abuse. She argues that gay parents deprive their children from having either a mother or a father and that this is tantamount to abuse. She isn’t the first politician to try to argue that homosexual couples should not be allowed to have children because non-straight parents can’t be as good as straight parents. However, there is little evidence to back up claims that children of gay parents are deprived or less well-adjusted than children from straight couples. In fact there is ample research showing just the opposite. more

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Pride, the topic for this month
Gaze Guests

By David Clarke Seeing as it is the pride season I thought that Pride should be the topic for this month. Many people see pride as a fun day out with drinks flowing while some see it as totally unnessacary, … Continue reading

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