Renee Montoya (sample)
Live, Love, Laugh,

Name: Renee Montoya

Alias: The Question

Orientation: Lesbian
Age: 39 years
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Brown
Height: 5′ 8″
Weight: 144 lbs (65 kg)

One of Gotham City’s best, and most emotional, cops, Montoya was an officer in the Major Crimes Unit. She was one of the police officers who had a great deal of respect for the masked vigilante Batman, and also had a strange almost-friendship with Two-Face, who was infatuated with her. She was first partnered with Harvey Bullock, then with Crispus Allen, a relative newcomer to the unique policing environment of Gotham City. Her father, Hernando, did not entirely approve of her occupation, and neither of her parents approved of her romance with chef Daria Hernandez.

Sage recruits and trains Gotham ex-cop Renee Montoya as his replacement before dying of lung cancer. In this incarnation he is wry, cheerful and avuncular, although still enigmatic, and displays no discernible philosophical commitments aside from a determination to recruit Montoya and to have her decide who she is and who she will become. Montoya is herself agonized over the issue of killing criminals, although her guilt is over a principled refusal to kill one, specifically the murderer of her former partner. The series’ action chiefly alternates between Gotham City, where Montoya struggles to save Kane from Intergang and its Crime Bible cult, and Nanda Parbat, where she trains with Sage’s mentors Rodor and Dragon, and whence she later returns with Sage, too late to find him a cure for his cancer. En route there, Sage dies muttering snatches of conversations from his early comics appearances and a final invocation to Montoya to decide who she will become. After grieving, she determines to take up his mantle as the new Question.

Following Final Crisis, Renée has been living with Tot in the lighthouse left to them by Charlie. She continues to investigate questions no one else will answer as a private detective. [3] Accepting cases from her website, Renée follows a human trafficking case to California. At the behest of the new Batman, Renée came back to Gotham to help solve the mystery of the Eighth Sin. She deduces quickly that the current Batman was once Nightwing, and calls him ‘wimpy Batman’, jokingly. While there, she runs into her former partner, Harvey Bullock, who is protecting a boy wanted by the cult La Saligia, and recognizes Renée even with the mask.Montoya continues acting as the new Question, operating alongside Batwoman, and with some members of the Birds of Prey underneath Oracle, though she claims not to be one of Oracle’s ‘Birds’.

The Crime Bible
The Question begins to study the Crime Bible, in an effort to stop the Religion of Crime. An apostle of the cult Order of Stone (who worship the Crime Bible), believing The Question to be The Faceless One from the Crime Bible, uses her quest against them to teach her the four lessons of crime, (deceit, greed, lust, and murder). Kate, seeing that Renée is being changed by her mission, tries to convince her to stop. Renée tells Kate that she’s doing this to save her life, since the Crime Bible demands the death of Batwoman

Ask The Question
Following Final Crisis, Renée has been living with Tot in the lighthouse left to them by Charlie. She continues to investigate questions no one else will answer as a private detective. [3] Accepting cases from her website, Renée follows a human trafficking case to California. At the behest of the new Batman, Renée came back to Gotham to help solve the mystery of the Eighth Sin. She deduces quickly that the current Batman was once Nightwing, and calls him ‘wimpy Batman’, jokingly. While there, she runs into her former partner, Harvey Bullock, who is protecting a boy wanted by the cult La Saligia, and recognizes Renée even with the mask

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